Where to Find Internships and Entry-Level Jobs
Most advertising agencies don’t use traditional job sites like the Indeeds and Monsters of the world. Instead, check for listings on their individual websites, or use some of these awesome resources for your job hunt.
Geared toward entry-level positions and internships
Huge master list of internships, deadlines, and helpful info
Heavier on creative jobs
All levels from internship to senior and management
Separate job boards by city (Denver, Minneapolis, San Francisco, St. Louis, Portland, London, Chicago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Atlanta, New York City, Boston)
Click on “Network” in the navigation to find your local Egotist
Filter by internship or junior levels
Includes some good in-house positions
American Marketing Association (AMA)
More marketing than advertising-specific positions
Not as many entry-level positions and internships as other resources, but still worth a look, especially if you’re more into the business or marketing side of things