Questions to Ask During Your Interview

“Do you have any questions for us?” When the interview gets turned over to you, you better have some questions ready to go! Sure, they want to make sure you’d be a good hire, but this is your time to make sure the agency is a good fit for you too.

There are a ton of different questions you can ask, and the more specific to the agency you’re interviewing with, the better. But these are great to get you started.


  • What campaigns or projects are you working on right now that you’re excited about?

    • If they struggle to answer this, that tells you they aren’t doing anything super interesting right now. Many agencies hang their hats on work they did YEARS ago, so this question forces them to talk about recent work.

  • I noticed one of your agency’s values is _____. I’d love to hear an example of how that’s come to life.

  • How does your agency address mental health and self-care?

  • What actions are being taken to support diversity within the agency?

  • What does the future of the agency look like for you?

  • What’s the relationship like between the agency and your clients?

    • They most likely won’t give you any gory details here, but you may learn if they have more hands-off clients or clients who like to be super involved in every step of the process.

  • What does a typical workday look like?

  • What’s the work/life balance like here?

    • Obviously, no one is going to say, “Oh it sucks.” But this is one of those questions where you can read between the lines of how they answer and get a little insight into the work/life balance.

  • What resources do you provide your employees to build their skills?

Specific to Creatives

  • What programs or opportunities do you have for creatives to learn and grow their skills?

  • What kind of work do you want to make?

    • Then you can tell them how you can help make that kind of work!

  • What is your creative team really great at? What do you want them to improve on?

    • This will tell you what the CD feels is missing from their team, and ideally, you can provide the skills to fill that hole!

  • What’s your favorite project you’ve worked on and why?


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How to Get Started in Advertising